Providing the exhibit acoustic design for the National Museum of the Marine Corps the museum not only exhibits artifacts, but also presents visitors with an “experiential history” of the Marine Corps. Visitors learn about the Marine Corps’ early years, from the first recruiting efforts in 1775 through today’s actions.
Project Location: Quantico, VA
Client Name: National Museum of the Marine Corps
Project Name: National Museum of the Marine Corps
Architect: Fentress Architects / Exhibits: Christopher Chadbourne & Associates
Project Year: 2006
Project Size: 60,000 sq ft
Project Cost:
…Nearby are two soundproof booths into which the museum goer — having just begun this engaging, serpentine journey through recent Marine Corps history — seals himself to hear the disorienting shouts of the drill sergeant…The floors’ molded sand and mud bear the footprints of the era’s boots, the lights and sounds imitate weather and weaponry, and history is turned into theater.”
– Edward Rothstein, The New York Times
- Outstanding Achievement, Museum, Thea Award Winner, 2009